As a continuation to
my work on a tiled display wall, here there are the steps taken to install
SAGE: "a graphics streaming architecture for supporting collaborative scientific visualization environments with potentially hundreds of megapixels of contiguous display resolution". So far, the basics are installed correctly, some demo applications are working OK, plus imageviewer and VLC, though I'm having trouble with the VNCViewer... (I'll keep working on this).
We dowload the current source version
Before trying to compile SAGE, we need to make sure we get the prerequisites OK, which can be found at the
SAGE Forum.
For SDL, we install via Synaptic Package Manager:
libsdl1.2-dev; for readline,
libreadline6-devAnd we will also need the packages
python-numpy QUANTA======
We download the
current version.
angelv@vaiven:~/Downloads$ tar -zxvf QUANTA-1.0.tar.gz
angelv@vaiven:~/Downloads$ cd QUANTA_1.0/
angelv@vaiven:~/Downloads/QUANTA_1.0$ mkdir QUANTA_build
angelv@vaiven:~/Downloads/QUANTA_1.0$ cd QUANTA_build/
(to get cmake and ccmake, I install the package cmake-curses-gui)
angelv@vaiven:~/Downloads/QUANTA_1.0/QUANTA_build$ ccmake ../
But the default version of g++ (4.4) will give errors like:
/home/angelv/Downloads/QUANTA_1.0/src/QUANTAdb_c.cxx:367: error: ‘memcpy’ was not declared in this scopeSince correcting this would need changing the source code, we go the easy route, and we are going to use a previous version of the compiler 4.2
So, in the cmake options I change:
CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /usr/bin/g++-4.2
angelv@vaiven:~/Downloads/QUANTA_1.0/QUANTA_build$ make
angelv@vaiven:~/Downloads/QUANTA_1.0/QUANTA_build$ sudo make install
Modify .bashrc and start a new shell
angelv@vaiven:~$ tail -n 4 .bashrc
export SAGE_DIRECTORY=$HOME/sage3.0
In src/Makefile:
(tips from
both in imgToDxt.cpp and imageviewer.cpp in the app/FileViewer/ImageViewer/ directory we change
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x645
#define MagickGetImagePixels MagickGetAuthenticPixels
#if 0
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x645
#define MagickGetImagePixels MagickGetAuthenticPixels
Now edit the sage3.0/ file. Change the line:
ARCHITECTURE=$(shell uname -p)to
ARCHITECTURE=$(shell uname -m)Then, if running on amd64 architecture, change (at about line 97):
XLIBS=-L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -lGLU -lGL -lXmu -lXi -lXext -lX11to
XLIBS=-L/usr/lib -lGLU -lGL -lXmu -lXi -lXext -lX11
angelv@vaiven:~/sage3.0$ make install (do not run make first!)
Now check the script named sage. The line in it which reads:
if [ `uname` == "Linux" ]should be changed to:
if [ `uname` = "Linux" ] Configuration of SAGE
angelv@vaiven:~/sage3.0/bin$ head -n 1 /home/angelv/sage3.0/bin/fsManager.conf
fsManager vaiven
in fsManger.conf
tileConfiguration stdtile-2.angelv.conf
cat stdtile-2.angelv.conf:
Dimensions 2 1
Mullions 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625
Resolution 1280 2048
PPI 90
Machines 2
Name dwall-11
Monitors 1 (1,0)
Name dwall-12
Monitors 1 (0,0)
cat tileNodes.list
In the render nodes (so far dwall-11 and dwall-12) I do:
angelv@dwall-12:~$ sudo ln -s /home/angelv/sage3.0/lib/ /usr/lib/
Test that it is working correctly:
(from the readme.txt file in sage distribution)
6. Test Whether SAGE is Working Properly
(1) Execute "fsManager". Tiled display becomes black if it runs correctly.
Users can specify a configuration file name as command-line argument.
Otherwise "fsManager.conf" is used.
(2) Open another terminal and execute "render"
(3) Open another terminal and execute "fsConsole"
(4) press TAB key twice. fsConsole commands are listed.
(5) ? or help command gives you short description for each command
(6) If you type initial character of a command and press TAB key,
the command is completed. Then, press TAB key again. You can see
the description of the command.
(7) move 0 1000 0 : move the app window
And I find no problems.
Test with the graphical interface
angelv@vaiven:~/sage3.0/bin$ ./sage
after clicking start I get both monitors black and the interface to SAGE connection. I try to add a new server, and put the ports as default, host name "vaiven" and IP "", but then when checking the info, it always tells me that the server is not running. Neverthelles, I put "connect as" angelv, then press connect. A message comes out saying: "Connection to sage server failed. Chat will be unavailable". Click OK and the SAGE UI comes out. I try to run "atlantis" but nothing happnes. By going to "Advanced Mode" in the SAGE Launcher window, and tab "Application Launcher" I see that it complains that cannot find atlantis. Sure enough, if I try to run atlantis like SAGE does it from the command line, then it does not find atlantis either:
angelv@vaiven:~/sage3.0/bin$ ssh atlantis
bash: atlantis: command not found
To solve it move the lines about SAGE binaries and libraries to the beginning of the .bashrc file (tip thanks to
angelv@vaiven:~$ head -n 10 .bashrc
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
# for examples
export SAGE_DIRECTORY=$HOME/sage3.0
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
And now atlantis works without any trouble.
Applications that I want:
* View images:
In the SAGE Launcher -> Advanced Settings, I open the Settings for the File Server, and type as Library Root /home/angelv/sage3.0/bin/file_library. Then, after starting SAGE, in the SAGE UI I go to Options-> File Library nad I Choose the "local" file library. Then, with Browse I select any image in my computer. Automatically is incorporated to the library, and I can select the images by (in the File Library - local user interface) opening the menu Files -> Image at the left. Clicking in Show will show the image in the display wall, and then I can resize it, move it, etc. from within the SAGE UI.
* Videos:
sudo apt-get install libhal-dev libmad0-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libpostproc-dev libtwolame-dev liba52-dev libfribidi-dev libgcrypt-dev
Compile it with ./GO and copy it to the sage bin directory with
/bin/cp -r build/bin/vlc $SAGE_DIRECTORY/binThen, in the Advanced Mode -> File Server Settings -> File Types, type: vlc --vout sage
then, when selecting a video from the File Library, it displays without problems, with the sound going in the head node speakers. (I'm not sure if it is going also to the other nodes, since I don't have loudspeakers in them).
* Sharing the desktop
Install vnc4server xvnc4viewer
I run a VNC server
angelv@vaiven:~/sage3.0/bin$ vncserver -geometry 800x600
then connecting to it with the default vncviewer is no problem
angelv@vaiven:~/sage3.0/bin$ vncviewer vaiven:1
but if I try to run it with the provided VNC:
angelv@vaiven:~/sage3.0/bin$ ./VNCViewer 1 800 600 sagesage
inet_addr = 16777343
VNC server supports protocol version 3.8 (viewer 3.3)
*** buffer overflow detected ***: ./VNCViewer terminated
======= Backtrace: =========
So, part is working, but I still need to iron out some problems. To be continued...