SPOJ is one of the main sites that host programming challenges. The problems in SPOJ are for the most part much easier than the ones in Project Euler (which I have also posted about, although I have neglected it for several months...), so they are quite nice to try to solve in new programming languages. At this moment there are >10K users who have submitted at least one correct solution to one of the programs, so the place is very active. The graph below will show my progress in SPOJ, although I don't really intend to compete. I will only look for problems that look interesting to develop my programming skills.
Random musings about my work and hobbies (High Performance Computing, Music Software, Classical Guitar, Flying Simulators, Swimming,...)
Friday, 30 July 2010
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Debugging Fortran+MPI codes with "The Portland Group" debugger (pgdbg)
I have to admit that I didn't get the Fox algorithm in my previous post correct the very first time, so I had to do some parallel debugging. In the past, I have used gdb, and the Intel Debugger, and now it was time to try pgdbg (The Portland Group debugger). Next in line is TotalView.
At our institution the Portland compiler's version installed is 10.5, but this had some issues with my current workstation linux distribution (Ubuntu 10.04 64 bits), so I installed the current latest version: 10.6. Installation was very simple with their install script, and once the license file was in place it was time to try it.
Compilation of the code can be done with the included MPICH1, with the following command:
Since we will be using ssh to connect to the other processors (actually just a number of processes all running in my local workstation), we need to first get the ssh security sorted out (tips from the "PGI Tools Guide" documentation, page. 90). We generate the ssh keys with a passphrase (and copy them to the authorized keys):
And then, from a new terminal we will just have to do the following, and enter the passphrase just once, and all subsequent ssh connections will be passwordless:
With this in place, we can run our code with the included MPICH1 version:
In order to run it with the debugger, we just add the option -dbg=pgdbg:
The following image shows a moment during the debugging session, where 4 processes have been created, and we are at the end of the first stage in the Fox algorithm. The window in the bottom shows how you can easily see the values of variables (whole matrixes included, which can be indexed according to Fortran syntax) for all (or a selection of) processes involved in the computation.
I need to try it for a longer period, but overall it looks like a very usable parallel debugger. The Portland Group has a video demo of the debugger here.
At our institution the Portland compiler's version installed is 10.5, but this had some issues with my current workstation linux distribution (Ubuntu 10.04 64 bits), so I installed the current latest version: 10.6. Installation was very simple with their install script, and once the license file was in place it was time to try it.
Compilation of the code can be done with the included MPICH1, with the following command:
angelv@vaso:~/fox$ pgf90 -o fox -Mmpi=mpich1 -g fox.f90
Since we will be using ssh to connect to the other processors (actually just a number of processes all running in my local workstation), we need to first get the ssh security sorted out (tips from the "PGI Tools Guide" documentation, page. 90). We generate the ssh keys with a passphrase (and copy them to the authorized keys):
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
$ cd $HOME/.ssh
$ cp id_dsa.pub authorized_keys
And then, from a new terminal we will just have to do the following, and enter the passphrase just once, and all subsequent ssh connections will be passwordless:
$ eval `ssh-agent -s`
$ ssh-add
With this in place, we can run our code with the included MPICH1 version:
angelv@vaso:~/fox$ mpirun -stdin fox.in -np 4 ./fox
In order to run it with the debugger, we just add the option -dbg=pgdbg:
angelv@vaso:~/fox$ mpirun -stdin fox.in -dbg=pgdbg -np 4 ./fox
The following image shows a moment during the debugging session, where 4 processes have been created, and we are at the end of the first stage in the Fox algorithm. The window in the bottom shows how you can easily see the values of variables (whole matrixes included, which can be indexed according to Fortran syntax) for all (or a selection of) processes involved in the computation.
I need to try it for a longer period, but overall it looks like a very usable parallel debugger. The Portland Group has a video demo of the debugger here.
Monday, 19 July 2010
Fox algorithm for matrix multiplication in parallel with Fortran90+MPI
I'm now re-reading the book "Parallel Programming with MPI" by Peter S. Pacheco and doing some of the exercises in there. An interesting one is the Programming Assignment n.1 in page. 133, which involves fully implementing the Fox parallel algorithm for multiplying matrixes (see for example).
Below is Fortran90 code (version 1... some things need to be improved...) that does it (a better looking source code is at Pastebin, although I'm not sure for how long it will stay there...)
And given the following matrixes:
We can compile it and run it as:
Below is Fortran90 code (version 1... some things need to be improved...) that does it (a better looking source code is at Pastebin, although I'm not sure for how long it will stay there...)
include "mpif.h"
INTEGER :: procs, rank, error
INTEGER :: g_order, g_side, my_g_row, my_g_column, my_g_rank, comm, row_comm, col_comm, block_mpi_t
INTEGER :: rows
REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: matrixA, matrixB, matrixC, localA, tempA, localB, localC
CALL MPI_Init ( error )
CALL MPI_Comm_size ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, procs, error )
CALL MPI_Comm_rank ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, error )
CALL Read_Matrix(rank,error,rows,matrixA,matrixB,matrixC)
CALL Setup_grid(g_order,g_side,error,comm,my_g_rank,my_g_row,my_g_column,row_comm,col_comm)
CALL Distribute_matrixes(g_side,rows,block_mpi_t,error,matrixA,matrixB,localA,localB,localC,my_g_row,my_g_column)
CALL Perform_Fox_Algorithm(my_g_row,my_g_column,g_order,localA,tempA,localB,localC,row_comm,col_comm,status,error)
CALL Print_Last_Result(rank, my_g_rank, g_side, comm, procs, error, status, localC, matrixC, tempA)
CALL MPI_Finalize (error)
SUBROUTINE Print_Last_Result(rank, my_g_rank, g_side, comm, procs, error, status, localC, matrixC, tempA)
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: rank, my_g_rank, g_side, comm, procs
REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: matrixC, tempA
INTEGER :: grow,gcol,i
INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: coordinates
IF (rank .EQ. 0 .AND. my_g_rank .NE. 0) PRINT*, "Houston, we have a problem with I/O"
CALL MPI_SEND(localC,g_side*g_side,MPI_REAL,0,0,comm,error)
IF (rank .EQ. 0) THEN
DO i=1,procs
CALL MPI_Recv(tempA,g_side*g_side,MPI_REAL,MPI_ANY_SOURCE,0,comm,status,error)
CALL MPI_Cart_coords(comm,status(MPI_Source),2,coordinates,error)
grow = coordinates(1)
gcol = coordinates(2)
matrixC(grow*g_side+1:(grow+1)*g_side,gcol*g_side+1:(gcol+1)*g_side) = tempA
PRINT*,"============ Matrix multiplication in parallel ==================="
CALL Print_Matrix(matrixC)
END SUBROUTINE Print_Last_Result
SUBROUTINE Print_Matrix(M)
INTEGER :: side,row,column
side = SIZE(M,1)
DO row=1,side
DO column=1,side-1
WRITE(*,'(F10.3)',ADVANCE='NO'), M(row,column)
WRITE(*,'(F10.3)'), M(row,side)
SUBROUTINE Perform_Fox_Algorithm(my_g_row,my_g_column,g_order,localA,tempA,localB,localC,row_comm,col_comm,status,error)
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: my_g_row,my_g_column,g_order,row_comm,col_comm
REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: tempA,localB,localC
INTEGER :: source,destination,stage,bcast_root
localC = 0
source = MOD(my_g_row + 1,g_order)
destination = MOD(my_g_row + g_order - 1,g_order)
DO stage=0,g_order-1
bcast_root = MOD(my_g_row + stage,g_order)
IF (my_g_column .EQ. bcast_root) THEN
CALL MPI_BCAST(localA,g_side*g_side,MPI_REAL,bcast_root,row_comm,error)
CALL Matrix_Multiply(localA,localB,localC)
CALL MPI_BCAST(tempA,g_side*g_side,MPI_REAL,bcast_root,row_comm,error)
CALL Matrix_Multiply(tempA,localB,localC)
CALL MPI_Sendrecv_replace(localB,g_side*g_side,MPI_REAL,destination,0,source,0,col_comm,status,error)
END SUBROUTINE Perform_Fox_Algorithm
SUBROUTINE Matrix_Multiply(A,B,C)
INTEGER :: side,row,column
side = SIZE(A,1)
DO row=1,side
DO column=1,side
C(row,column) = C(row,column) + SUM(A(row,:)*B(:,column))
END SUBROUTINE Matrix_Multiply
SUBROUTINE Distribute_matrixes(g_side,rows,block_mpi_t,error,matrixA,matrixB,localA,localB,localC,my_g_row,my_g_column)
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: g_side,rows,my_g_row,my_g_column
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: block_mpi_t,error
REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: matrixA,matrixB
CALL MPI_TYPE_VECTOR(g_side,g_side,rows,MPI_REAL,block_mpi_t,error)
CALL MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(block_mpi_t, error)
CALL MPI_BCAST(matrixA,rows*rows,MPI_REAL,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,error)
CALL MPI_BCAST(matrixB,rows*rows,MPI_REAL,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,error)
localA = matrixA(my_g_row*g_side+1:(my_g_row+1)*g_side,my_g_column*g_side+1:(my_g_column+1)*g_side)
localB = matrixB(my_g_row*g_side+1:(my_g_row+1)*g_side,my_g_column*g_side+1:(my_g_column+1)*g_side)
END SUBROUTINE Distribute_matrixes
SUBROUTINE Setup_grid(g_order,g_side,error,comm,my_g_rank,my_g_row,my_g_column,row_comm,col_comm)
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: g_order, g_side,error,comm,my_g_rank,my_g_row,my_g_column,row_comm,col_comm
INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: dimensions,coordinates
LOGICAL,DIMENSION(2) :: wrap_around,free_coords
g_order = SQRT(REAL(procs))
g_side = rows / g_order
dimensions = g_order
wrap_around = .TRUE.
CALL MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD,2,dimensions,wrap_around,.TRUE.,comm,error)
CALL MPI_Comm_rank ( comm, my_g_rank, error )
CALL MPI_Cart_coords(comm,my_g_rank,2,coordinates,error)
my_g_row = coordinates(1)
my_g_column = coordinates(2)
free_coords(1) = .FALSE.
free_coords(2) = .TRUE.
CALL MPI_Cart_sub(comm,free_coords,row_comm,error)
free_coords(1) = .TRUE.
free_coords(2) = .FALSE.
CALL MPI_Cart_sub(comm,free_coords,col_comm,error)
SUBROUTINE Read_Matrix(rank,error,rows,matrixA,matrixB,matrixC)
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: rows,error
REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: matrixA,matrixB,matrixC
IF (rank .EQ. 0) THEN
READ*, rows
DO i=1,rows
READ*, matrixA(i,:)
DO i=1,rows
READ*, matrixB(i,:)
!! Calculate the matrix multiplication for comparison
matrixC = 0
CALL Matrix_Multiply(matrixA,matrixB,matrixC)
PRINT*, "=======MATRIX A=========="
CALL Print_Matrix(matrixA)
PRINT*, "=======MATRIX B=========="
CALL Print_Matrix(matrixB)
PRINT*, "=======MATRIX C=========="
CALL Print_Matrix(matrixC)
And given the following matrixes:
angelv@vaso:~/fox$ cat fox.in
3.4 4.2 2.1 9.3 5.6 7.8 3.4 6.3
6.6 7.6 2.1 7.2 3.5 7.9 2.0 8.3
8.6 4.1 7.5 3.5 7.1 9.6 4.1 8.1
5.8 4.7 8.6 3.6 7.4 4.3 1.2 0.2
9.9 5.3 8.9 3.7 6.5 9.7 3.6 5.3
8.2 4.7 9.3 3.8 6.7 8.4 4.7 6.4
6.8 8.0 2.8 8.9 9.8 3.2 6.8 8.7
6.4 7.6 8.3 4.3 6.5 4.1 3.9 3.8
3.5 5.7 8.6 4.6 7.5 9.0 2.8 6.0
8.9 3.4 7.3 3.3 5.3 8.2 3.6 3.9
8.3 0.8 2.1 1.6 4.7 6.4 3.4 8.8
7.3 4.3 3.3 2.7 4.5 6.6 9.3 5.9
6.7 6.7 8.0 2.8 3.7 5.7 7.7 8.3
7.8 4.0 8.9 2.9 1.4 0.8 7.8 8.2
3.4 7.1 5.7 9.0 6.1 7.9 8.9 7.7
2.6 4.1 6.9 8.2 9.3 5.0 7.1 4.6
We can compile it and run it as:
angelv@vaso:~/fox$ pgf90 -Mmpi=mpich -o fox fox.f90
angelv@vaso:~/fox$ mpirun -stdin fox.in -np 4 ./fox
=======MATRIX A==========
3.400 4.200 2.100 9.300 5.600 7.800 3.400 6.300
6.600 7.600 2.100 7.200 3.500 7.900 2.000 8.300
8.600 4.100 7.500 3.500 7.100 9.600 4.100 8.100
5.800 4.700 8.600 3.600 7.400 4.300 1.200 0.200
9.900 5.300 8.900 3.700 6.500 9.700 3.600 5.300
8.200 4.700 9.300 3.800 6.700 8.400 4.700 6.400
6.800 8.000 2.800 8.900 9.800 3.200 6.800 8.700
6.400 7.600 8.300 4.300 6.500 4.100 3.900 3.800
=======MATRIX B==========
3.500 5.700 8.600 4.600 7.500 9.000 2.800 6.000
8.900 3.400 7.300 3.300 5.300 8.200 3.600 3.900
8.300 0.800 2.100 1.600 4.700 6.400 3.400 8.800
7.300 4.300 3.300 2.700 4.500 6.600 9.300 5.900
6.700 6.700 8.000 2.800 3.700 5.700 7.700 8.300
7.800 4.000 8.900 2.900 1.400 0.800 7.800 8.200
3.400 7.100 5.700 9.000 6.100 7.900 8.900 7.700
2.600 4.100 6.900 8.200 9.300 5.000 7.100 4.600
=======MATRIX C==========
260.900 194.020 272.070 178.530 210.450 236.380 297.220 275.730
274.180 199.380 307.390 197.010 245.450 266.250 285.240 277.610
311.840 232.300 352.690 225.580 277.280 303.160 320.440 360.720
247.510 147.520 219.820 111.300 167.610 225.640 198.500 256.890
327.930 227.120 350.150 209.450 269.700 313.690 306.850 365.810
318.490 224.600 336.210 216.270 271.960 310.980 311.220 361.910
319.570 268.880 357.800 255.450 309.740 359.100 362.840 349.110
288.990 190.670 279.080 175.760 235.560 291.560 257.210 301.530
============ Matrix multiplication in parallel ===================
260.900 194.020 272.070 178.530 210.450 236.380 297.220 275.730
274.180 199.380 307.390 197.010 245.450 266.250 285.240 277.610
311.840 232.300 352.690 225.580 277.280 303.160 320.440 360.720
247.510 147.520 219.820 111.300 167.610 225.640 198.500 256.890
327.930 227.120 350.150 209.450 269.700 313.690 306.850 365.810
318.490 224.600 336.210 216.270 271.960 310.980 311.220 361.910
319.570 268.880 357.800 255.450 309.740 359.100 362.840 349.110
288.990 190.670 279.080 175.760 235.560 291.560 257.210 301.530
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Classical Guitar Forum
About a month ago I joined the Delcamp Classical Guitar Forum, and so far I've found it amazing. This one is the Forum in English, though there are also sites in French, Italian and Spanish.
There are a lot of people participating (composers, guitar players, luthiers), the conversations are very well kept to the subject (with well organized topics), and the people are really helpful and friendly.
And the resources are also very good. In it you can find information about technique, many recordings of common repertoire pieces, plenty of music scores, etc.
All in all, this is by far the best place in the Internet for sharing guitar experiences with other musicians. If you happen to stumble here and have any interest in Classical Guitar, make sure you visit the Delcamp Forum.
Thanks Jean-François Delcamp for starting this out!
There are a lot of people participating (composers, guitar players, luthiers), the conversations are very well kept to the subject (with well organized topics), and the people are really helpful and friendly.
And the resources are also very good. In it you can find information about technique, many recordings of common repertoire pieces, plenty of music scores, etc.
All in all, this is by far the best place in the Internet for sharing guitar experiences with other musicians. If you happen to stumble here and have any interest in Classical Guitar, make sure you visit the Delcamp Forum.
Thanks Jean-François Delcamp for starting this out!
Classical guitar
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Opera Mail vs. Thunderbird 3.1 vs. GMail
During the last seven months I've been using the Opera Web browser and its integrated Mail Reader, but the experience started to become a bit painful, so I am going back to Firefox/Thunderbird.
Some of the things that pushed me to do this were:
So, I decided to try the new Thunderbird 3.1 for e-mail, and if it was up to the job, then go back to the Firefox/Thunderbird tandem. So, I collected the things that I need from a mail reader and did a comparison of Thunderbird, Opera Mail, and Gmail. I'm not interested in doing a comparison of all their features, only the ones that I tend to use. I haven't looked in any depth at the documentation of any of the readers, so some of the things here might be wrong. If you find that any of this information is incorrect or that there are better ways of doing something, please let me know, I'd love to hear it. Thunderbird did now manage to do everything I needed, and I don't get the problems mentioned above (plus it is open source software), so I'm now migrating to Firefox/Thunderbird... for how long?
Here it is a list of things that I want my mail reader to do:
- GMail: tags are called labels, and you can easily create arbitrary new labels and assign as many as you want to each message.
- Thunderbird: you can also create Tags and assign as many as you want to each message.
- Opera Mail: as far as I know, only the prebuilt tags.
- GMail apparently marks a message as read as soon as you open it. I don't like this at all. I don't even want to mark a message as read after a given set of time. For me "unread" means that I still have to do something with it, so I want to mark it as "read" only when I decide.
- Thunderbird. No problem. In Preferences, Advanced, unmark "Automatically mark messages as read", and I have to mark them as read explicitly.
- Opera Mail. This was also easily configurable.
This is probably the most important feature for me, and for basic searches I think the three readers are very good. For "incremental searches" I think Gmail is the winner, but Thunderbird 3.1 second.
By incremental search I mean a situation like this: I want to find all mails that have something to do with "braemore statements", and once I found these, I want to find which ones have the word "winter" in the body.
- GMail. This is very good for incremental searches. Type "braemore statements" and a list of mail appears, then type "winter" and press again and bingo.
- Thunderbird. If I type all the words of an incremental search in the "Search all messages" box (thus not making it really incremental), then I also get the result, but ideally one would only type "braemore statements", then click on "Open as list" and then do a "Filter these messages", including the Body, but this does not work well and it seems to hang forever. (Filtering by body does seem to work at least in the Inbox, but it looks like it is really slow, while the Ctrl+K search is really fast. Go figure....).
- Opera Mail. The search option was very fast and quite good in general. For incremental searches it is very good. Type "braemore statements" in the general search box, then one the mails have been found, type "winter" in the quick filter, and bingo! This is what I was hoping it would work in Thunderbird as well, but for some reason it is not just yet.
- Thunderbird. In my Inbox I just click on the "Unread" quick filter and bingo. I only see the "unread" ones but all the rest are somewhere in there. Much cleaner view.
- Opera Mail also does this without any issues.
- Gmail: I don't think this is possible at all.
- Thunderbird: it has support for different personalities, and I have used it in the past. Very convenient. This, together with the possibility of using non-conventional ports was very useful for me. Different personalities with Google Mail as SMTP server does not seem to work (Gmail at the end sends the message with you gmail address, and that's all), but when using non-standard port for my SMTP server, I can send (regardless of where I am) mail through my company SMTP server (via ssh tunnels). This allows me to fake my e-mail address (to avoid spam) when sending messages to newsgroups, and to send mail to internal mailing lists at our company (which rejects mails if coming from an outside address).
- OperaMail. I think this is only possible if you have different mail accounts, so you can select which one to use every time you send a message, but I don't think it is possible having, for instance, different signatures associated with the same mail account.
Some of the things that pushed me to do this were:
- With the Opera browser I was not aware of anything like FoxyProxy, which is very useful for me when accessing my company intranet.
- My web bank page did not show properly (perhaps their fault?) with Opera.
- Had issues with logging in my favourite forum with Opera (oddly enough not in all computers).
- The full editor of blogger does not display properly in Opera.
- I didn't notice Opera browser being particularly faster than Firefox.
- Opera Mail did not let me put my own tags to messages, which was a bit annoying sometimes.
- Opera Mail did not let me configure my mail servers with not standard ports, which was annoying if I wanted to access my company servers through SSH tunnels.
- In a few occasions Opera Mail just stopped working, and after restarting all the messages would be gone (the local copy only), so it had to download them again from Google Mail.
- Lately Opera Mail started to think that I had millions of messages and would never finish synchronizing with Gmail. After restarting it, it would recognize again properly that I have only thousands.
So, I decided to try the new Thunderbird 3.1 for e-mail, and if it was up to the job, then go back to the Firefox/Thunderbird tandem. So, I collected the things that I need from a mail reader and did a comparison of Thunderbird, Opera Mail, and Gmail. I'm not interested in doing a comparison of all their features, only the ones that I tend to use. I haven't looked in any depth at the documentation of any of the readers, so some of the things here might be wrong. If you find that any of this information is incorrect or that there are better ways of doing something, please let me know, I'd love to hear it. Thunderbird did now manage to do everything I needed, and I don't get the problems mentioned above (plus it is open source software), so I'm now migrating to Firefox/Thunderbird... for how long?
Here it is a list of things that I want my mail reader to do:
- No folders, use tags instead
- GMail: tags are called labels, and you can easily create arbitrary new labels and assign as many as you want to each message.
- Thunderbird: you can also create Tags and assign as many as you want to each message.
- Opera Mail: as far as I know, only the prebuilt tags.
- Don't mark messages as read automatically
- GMail apparently marks a message as read as soon as you open it. I don't like this at all. I don't even want to mark a message as read after a given set of time. For me "unread" means that I still have to do something with it, so I want to mark it as "read" only when I decide.
- Thunderbird. No problem. In Preferences, Advanced, unmark "Automatically mark messages as read", and I have to mark them as read explicitly.
- Opera Mail. This was also easily configurable.
- Efficient searching and filtering of messages
This is probably the most important feature for me, and for basic searches I think the three readers are very good. For "incremental searches" I think Gmail is the winner, but Thunderbird 3.1 second.
By incremental search I mean a situation like this: I want to find all mails that have something to do with "braemore statements", and once I found these, I want to find which ones have the word "winter" in the body.
- GMail. This is very good for incremental searches. Type "braemore statements" and a list of mail appears, then type "winter" and press again and bingo.
- Thunderbird. If I type all the words of an incremental search in the "Search all messages" box (thus not making it really incremental), then I also get the result, but ideally one would only type "braemore statements", then click on "Open as list" and then do a "Filter these messages", including the Body, but this does not work well and it seems to hang forever. (Filtering by body does seem to work at least in the Inbox, but it looks like it is really slow, while the Ctrl+K search is really fast. Go figure....).
- Opera Mail. The search option was very fast and quite good in general. For incremental searches it is very good. Type "braemore statements" in the general search box, then one the mails have been found, type "winter" in the quick filter, and bingo! This is what I was hoping it would work in Thunderbird as well, but for some reason it is not just yet.
- Good keyboard shortcuts
- Make "read" messages disappear from view but keep them available
- Thunderbird. In my Inbox I just click on the "Unread" quick filter and bingo. I only see the "unread" ones but all the rest are somewhere in there. Much cleaner view.
- Opera Mail also does this without any issues.
- Good display of HTML messages
- Possibility of deleting attachments
- Different personalities
- Gmail: I don't think this is possible at all.
- Thunderbird: it has support for different personalities, and I have used it in the past. Very convenient. This, together with the possibility of using non-conventional ports was very useful for me. Different personalities with Google Mail as SMTP server does not seem to work (Gmail at the end sends the message with you gmail address, and that's all), but when using non-standard port for my SMTP server, I can send (regardless of where I am) mail through my company SMTP server (via ssh tunnels). This allows me to fake my e-mail address (to avoid spam) when sending messages to newsgroups, and to send mail to internal mailing lists at our company (which rejects mails if coming from an outside address).
- OperaMail. I think this is only possible if you have different mail accounts, so you can select which one to use every time you send a message, but I don't think it is possible having, for instance, different signatures associated with the same mail account.
- Automatic filtering of messages
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